Lessons from the last session: Taking Flight ๐Ÿ•Š

Muhammad Farhal
6 min readOct 24, 2020


When everything seems to be going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

So last week my journey of 3 months ended with lessons and very much that I have learned so far. Experiencing every non technical skills and overcoming my nervousness and anxiety while speaking in public are been earthed. Moreover itโ€™s the best part of my life where I explore different things and not only that but also I learn how to get up after falling down.

Session starts with a recap of that week online course which was of our choice. Then the second part was the story sharing of the Amal fellows. Although the stories were great and many lessons for me. I am an emotional person who got attached by people just spending a week or days with them. Even this overall fellowship went online but I have built relations in terms of friends and family with the fellows.

That session was not the end or last but it was a start for me. I have discovered things like people have lost their loved ones early when they needed support, even if they have sacrificed their dreams for just one thing. That one thing was they just forget about the past and start recovering. They even left their luxuries and settled for less just to be happy and spend a satisfactory life.

The stories were so emotional that some of my peer fellows turned their cameras off while telling their story as they were hiding their feelings. Besides this the stories were so uplifting for me as every story gives me a lesson and never ending path that one should take off even if the situations aren't at your side.

After that we have the spotlight part. At that my fellows, PM and PA are giving feedback over each and every fellow. That part was great as it let me know their judgment. And overall feedback provided to me was literally true as I have never got such detailed reviews about me.

Me And Few Of My AMAL Fellows
Helping Hands Of Mine

Above are the few snaps of my fellows who were happy while taking feedback over their journey. Not only that they have also let us know their success stories. And they were so inspirational and It feels like miracles really occur. They are the real gems behind our success and never ending bond between our batch.

Last Session Fun
Our Batch Number Made From Different Fellows Snaps

The session ends with taking snaps while using ZOOM meeting effects. It includes changing of background and wearing glasses. From this our batch really likes the fun and joins with each other. Smiles on their face and sharing happiness to obsolete the distance we really enjoyed.

Although I am a friendly and caring person who can easily build friendships within days but sometimes itโ€™s not easy to get connected with some. Here also I want to share my personal experience like before entering the university I feel shy while talking to unknown girls or even sometimes I avoid sitting in such gatherings where girls are present. My perception was different at that time even today also, after spending 4 years and getting too friendly with my batch mates and even getting emotionally attached sometimes, I canโ€™t build good relations with them. Somehow you can say they are bad in some of my stories.

This doesn't mean I will leave my AMAL FELLOWS . They are my mentors, they taught me things professionally and helped me in PWโ€™s. While group work or making projects they never left me alone. As I belong to Karachi so we have just planned a meetup which will take place in a day or two. I am glad to have people like them. Not only that but the fellows from other countries are also great at making me feel good while experiencing learning project tasks of PWโ€™s. And if I planned a trip to Punjab so would meet them. Not only this I will manage to get in touch with my accountability partner, as he is the one who sorted out things for me and guided me throughout the journey. I will be getting in touch with them through social media and tagging them in tours so we can plan a tour.

After all, ending such a delightful journey I have got skills over interacting with people professionally. I have learned develop good communication that will help me in maintaining good relationships for career. Moreover I have got the talent to present myself in an environment where I can be recalled for good leadership. Even from the fellowship I have got enough confidence over maintaining relations with team members and negotiating things such as dealing with public.

